I got to see the Yarn Harlot yesterday. It was a blast. One of our fellow knitters in the KY group made us Ravelry name tags, and so people were wandering around finding out if we knew each other. One of the first things said to me was “Hey you are on my friends list!” and I knew then it was going to be a fun night. I met tons of people on my friends list, and had several more to add when I got home.

Yarn Harlot Event

Stephanie was hilarious, as usual. Always worth seeing. She seemed tired though, and I felt kind of bad that she probably has the most serious jet lag ever. I mean, she was just in Denver, straight to us, and then she had to get up at 5am this morning to catch yet another flight. Writing knitting humor seems tiring.

I didn’t make her wait for me to dig my sock out. You have no idea how long it would have taken me to dig out my sock in progress. Also, looking at this picture, all I can think is I need to go get my hair cut (which I’ve been planning to do for about a month now). And yes, I wore my Tangled Yoke, which Stephanie complimented and put me on cloud 9.

Yarn Harlot 2008

I also bought some new sock yarn yesterday because one of my LYS had a 20% off all sock yarn sale. I had being wanting some J. Knits for a long time. I had been checking out on the Loopy Ewe. I finally scored some! In the Miami colorway. I can’t wait to knit with it.


Oh, I have to tell you about my horror hand story. I had blood drawn for my Thyroid levels on Friday. The girl is looking and looking, and says, “I can’t find anything to draw from, but I see something in your hand… can I draw it from there?” The nurse part of me kicks in and says “Sure, draw it from wherever you can find something.” As soon as she starts, my vein blows, and the knitter part of me kicks in and I think “My hand is going to be too sore to knit!” My hand hurt like hell for a few hours, but I did come home and put a warm compress on it and that helped. It was very very black afterwards, but it’s fading very quickly. And I am able to knit, thankfully.